So, you head down to the Harbour to where that little walking island is but you don't go on it. Instead go to the road on your right until you get to a big ass fence with a 'Restricted Area' sign... if you go a liiiittle further, the gate's open (we just walked in... haha) and then you head towards the lake. There's a pile of rocks that remind me of quarry stone and I guess some students showed up there and painted... they're very cool. I guess a guy Paul works with who has a learning disability (correct me if I'm wrong...) showed him all this cool stuff around t-bay... pretty neat.
Next, was hanging with Seija... I went for a run with Mom at Centennial then got dropped off at Seija's place where we ran home then had a sweet movie night. Watched Vicky Christina Barcelona (good movie!).
Not going to lie (and sorry to the rest of you buuuuut...), my favourite visit was definitely with Ang and her bf Chris. They're the most hilarious couple of people ever, especially when together! Man... I think the whole time I was there, I was laughing. Mostly at nothing. Haha.
From there, sushi with the Education girls, then back to Amanda and Adam's new digs - they bought a new house this spring... very pretty. Ran into a surprise guest there - Ghislain DeLaplante dropped in for a visit. So, that was nice...
Checked out Jeff's new place, which was really cool but a bit beige for my liking... (haha, sorry Jeff)
Brought Mom's family of bikes (mountain, road, etc.) into Rolling Thunder to get tuned up and windowshopped their jerseys (God, I really need a real bike jersey...). Oh, and had tea with Christina and talked about how awesome she is at skiing. haha.
Sean came up from the Suds to visit with Mama Kersh then we rode back down Saturday evening/night. It was pretty good until we hit the Chapleau to Sultan. We're driving along, it's pretty dark, kinda rainy, and kinda misty. We pass a car - they're creeping along - and we're kind of making fun of them...
"They were going pretty slow, huh?"
"Yeah, geez. What a bunch of wankers. Ha."
Aaaand, that's when it happens. I'm driving, I see two sets of eyes throw back the light from the headlights. It's a Momma bear and her baby. Oh god. I swerve to the right. Momma starts running right towards me. "No momma no!" may or may not have been the words coming out of my mouth. Luckily, she listened (or maybe it was the skidding of the tires as I cranked the wheel back left to keep us on the road) and she and her cub bolted back into the bush on the other side of the road. Man, I felt so bad! Seriously, us stupid humans running around with our big stupid metal vessel and we scare the living daylights out of these animals! Arg. It sort of makes me angry. And I'm the idiot in the car. Actually, there was a thing on the National on the new wildlife overpasses being built around the country to accommodate animals migration...
When I was in Banff, we drove under one every time we went to work. They're these amazingly huge structures built over the highways so that animals can get across safely. There are ones that go under the roads as well but I remember someone telling me that the carnivores don't like being encroached like that. I dunno.
Anyway, jibber jabbering on... made it fine back here at about 1:30. Dad and Anne were here, which was a nice surprise. They were supposed to be up at Anne's camp. Slept for a few hours (I think I've finally gotten onto Ontario time...) then woke up to "Let's go hiking! Yay!" I love my Dad but y'know... Got to see the garden, which is FANTASTIC, by the way - rutabagas, sunflowers, massive zucchinis, pumpkins, tomatoes! Boo ya! Got some sweet shots of the Sashmeister... so good. Then we hiked and Sean and I bonked in the afternoon.
Went into town to have coffee with a dear old friend from that ice cold city of Toronto (haha) and was faced with the limitations of Sudbury. We tried to meet up at Old Rock but, of course, on Sunday all the little cafes and stuff close early or aren't even open at all! Ended up at Starbucks. Arg.
So, the rest of the week? Visiting Sudbury, hanging at the Farm, going down to Guelph to visit Kath, then flying back out to Vancouver...
Quote du Jour:
Angie yelling at her little yip dog, Oscar... (I think it's a Dachshund) after she's come in from the rain and was given a treat to munch on and was running around the living room and up on their new beige/white couches like a kid of crack...
"Oh gross! You're getting your gross all over everywhere! Get off the couch!"
Haha, oh Ang...
And finally, music to keep you going:
Kid Cudi - The Prayer (sample comes from Band of Horses' The Funeral). Also check out Neutral Milk Hotel (all recommended by my little fro bro...)
Pictures to come when I get back to Van! Sorry it's so wordy without any colourful distractions! Oh, and if I forgot anyone or anything, I'm sorry. I'm a bit tired. ha.