Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gotta love those midnight rides...

Friday night was spent at Hot August Nights. Hot August Nights is a part of Bad Party which is an event that's run every Friday night (I think :s). it involves different comps involving predominantly track bikes. Polo, tricks, sprints, u-lock pick up, usually an alley cat (a courier-style race with checkpoints). They did one called Where's Waldo where one of the messengers dressed up as Waldo and cycled around downtown and everyone had to chase him down and find stuff he dropped or something. That would've been fun.

Anyway, Hot August Nights. Usually Bad Party happens at Crab Park down by the waterfront. This time it was down at Sunset Park under the Burrard Bridge and so many people showed up! It was awesome! All kinds of bikes, all kinds of people. It was pretty much a Show and Shine of people's bikes.

Unfortunately, there were skateboarders in the way so no polo took place but there was an alleycat, a foot down comp, and a tug of war... but I don't know if it was planned out properly...
It started as two people on either end of the 'rope' (which may have been inner tubes tied together :s) and you start in the middle and essentially just go at it. There may or may not have been cans of beer at either end. The first round I saw PFR Jeff and Kelly (Crazy Eyes) on one end but I didn't see the other end...

They started... they pulled... it was exciting... it snaps... they bailed. Ha. Kinda funny...

The second time around was one vs. one. Hooper vs. ?. 'Cept this time, Kelly jumped in on it and helped him out. Total ownage.

It was about that time that the cops rolled down Pacific all lit up... obviously they were totally lazy and didn't want to get out of the car otherwise they would've rolled up quiet. Everyone scattered and Kyle and I headed back to his place to hop the fence of the hotel next door for a drink on their reclining chairs by the shuffleboard area. :) It was a glorious evening...

Yesterday work was fine... busy as all heck but nice. I am going to miss working there full time but at the same time totally not at all. Ha.

Last night was good times too... went out for sushi with Andrea and her friend Kathy then to see the movie Adam. It's a festival rom com movie about a girl named Beth who meets a guy named Adam (duh) who has Asperger's Syndrome and dealing with all that goes with that. I'm obviously not explaining it well enough but whatevs. I really liked it - the guy who played Adam did a really good job.

After that I rolled downtown for a bit of fun in the city... on a bike that is. I forgot that it's Saturday night in Vancouver so totally ran into some fun traffic times - both vehicular and pedestrian. Man, people get confused when faced with a bike. Between trying not to get doored and trying to trackstand in a crowd with guys giving you the thumbs up I made it through and got down to Canada Place.

Now, whoever set up Canada Place was either a very low maintenance kind of person or a person who spent most of their time on wheels - skateboard, bike, whatever. It's essentially just a big concrete playground for people to hop on stuff, jump off stuff, practice tricks, etc. I showed up and was met with the sight of Mitchel (second place finisher at the Gastown Sprints) and his roommate Kevin trying to master track bike tricks. Mitchel was trying to trackstand no hands, two feet on the pedals BUT one foot through the inner triangle of his frame... It was likened to sitting side saddle on the bike but both feet on the pedals. Very cool. I then got some instructions as to how to fixiefy my bike - apparently the Green Machine has great potential to become a beautiful fixie. I don't think I'm ready for that though. I mean, I've just converted to single speed here people... baby steps. I would enjoy the momentum it would give me though.
James and his crew of friends showed up and we hung out a bit before jetting off to play follow the leader through the city. If you're out front, you get to choose where to go. Very fun. Went all over the city before crossing at the Burrard Bridge (ugh) and going down to Kits beach just past the pool to chill and watch for shooting stars. We saw one.

Next stop, Granville Island. Tried to dumpster dive for bread out back of the bakery (August would be proud :p) except there was no bread and ended up going in and asking for some. Ended up on the big grass pyramid on the east side of the island and somehow people ended up slip sliding down the hill on cardboard and plastic down the hill. It was awesome. I wish I'd brought my camera. Of course, people in the hotel complained (oh tourists on Granville... haha) and two separate security guards came out, although they weren't very firm in an 'I kinda want to try this myself' sort of way... haha.

So, we split. They all live on the East side so we rode back by the Science Centre and there's this beautiful almost time trialesque portion of the seawall that you can get going pretty quick on. I parted with them on Main and headed back home. So much fun. Tiring but fun. I wish I were better at this whole sleeping in thing...

Today was spent lounging, catching up on Prison Break and home improvement shopping with Becky. Maybe a run in Stanley Park later and perhaps chilling on a beach or something of the sort...

Quote du Jour: "Alright guys, we're going to have to ask you to- Holy f**k that's a steep hill!" - the professionalism of the Granville Island Security Team...

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