Well, it's official.
I'm done.
Journalism school has come and gone.
I don't really know what to think. At first I thought "Oh great, another degree to show me what I DON'T want to do." But, like Education, I guess I like certain aspects of it. I love to write and I've definitely learned some techniques on how to write differently. Not better, not worse, just differently. I'm not cut out for hard news, I know that. I mean, if I really wanted to, I suppose I could get used to it. But maybe I don't really want to. I hate writing barebones.
But then what am I good at with writing? Fiction? My overreactive imagination seems to think so. Apparently, you can't make a living on fiction unless your name is J.K. Rowling of something of the sort though.
So what else?
I worry that I'm not an 'in the box' kind of person. I don't like teaching the way that they run it now - with all the administrative crap and the constant need for testing and blah blah blah. I don't like journalism the way it is now - the up-to-the-minute-gotta-have-the-news-right-away-even-if-it's-maybe-not-true kind of thing. It's too rushed, too fleeting.
So now what?
Build a time machine and go back to a time where things were simpler? When news was carried on horseback and teaching was one-room schoolhouses? Would that even help?
Khaled says "keep throwing spagetti against the wall and eventually something will stick" but I don't know. I also hate that statistic - something like nowadays people change careers six times over the course of their lifetime? Six times! I dn't want to go through changing careers six times! I can barely decide on one at the moment.
I hate that question that people pose. "So, Linnaea. What are you going to do now? What career have you chosen? What's your path?" As if I have to have the answers now. I'm 24. Can't I just breathe for a bit? What's the rush? What's this finish line that everyone seems to be rushing towards? I can't see it. I certainly don't feel the crushing need to find it. I would like to find something that I'm good at, something that I'd like to stick with but I can't force it. If I push and push it won't make me find it faster, easier... I dunno. I still don't have the answers.
Ipod check-in shuffle:
How do you feel?: Rolling Stones - Start Me Up
Describe yourself: Coconut Records - Easy Girl
Your Motto: Pilate - Don't Waste Your Breath
When you grow up?: Rihanna - Don't Stop the Music
Friends: Mother Mother - Sleep Awake
Family: Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends
Guys in your life: Crystal Castles - Untrust Us
Biggest Fear: One Republic - Goodbye Apathy
Quote du Jour:
"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not." - Eric Hoffer
Pic du Jour:
Chris busting out the polo moves this eve on a pseudo-polo court of our creation.