Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soooo, What Now?

Well, it's official.

I'm done.

Journalism school has come and gone.

I don't really know what to think. At first I thought "Oh great, another degree to show me what I DON'T want to do." But, like Education, I guess I like certain aspects of it. I love to write and I've definitely learned some techniques on how to write differently. Not better, not worse, just differently. I'm not cut out for hard news, I know that. I mean, if I really wanted to, I suppose I could get used to it. But maybe I don't really want to. I hate writing barebones.

But then what am I good at with writing? Fiction? My overreactive imagination seems to think so. Apparently, you can't make a living on fiction unless your name is J.K. Rowling of something of the sort though.

So what else?

I worry that I'm not an 'in the box' kind of person. I don't like teaching the way that they run it now - with all the administrative crap and the constant need for testing and blah blah blah. I don't like journalism the way it is now - the up-to-the-minute-gotta-have-the-news-right-away-even-if-it's-maybe-not-true kind of thing. It's too rushed, too fleeting.

So now what?

Build a time machine and go back to a time where things were simpler? When news was carried on horseback and teaching was one-room schoolhouses? Would that even help?
Khaled says "keep throwing spagetti against the wall and eventually something will stick" but I don't know. I also hate that statistic - something like nowadays people change careers six times over the course of their lifetime? Six times! I dn't want to go through changing careers six times! I can barely decide on one at the moment.
I hate that question that people pose. "So, Linnaea. What are you going to do now? What career have you chosen? What's your path?" As if I have to have the answers now. I'm 24. Can't I just breathe for a bit? What's the rush? What's this finish line that everyone seems to be rushing towards? I can't see it. I certainly don't feel the crushing need to find it. I would like to find something that I'm good at, something that I'd like to stick with but I can't force it. If I push and push it won't make me find it faster, easier... I dunno. I still don't have the answers.

Ipod check-in shuffle:

How do you feel?: Rolling Stones - Start Me Up
Describe yourself: Coconut Records - Easy Girl
Your Motto: Pilate - Don't Waste Your Breath
When you grow up?: Rihanna - Don't Stop the Music
Friends: Mother Mother - Sleep Awake
Family: Simon and Garfunkel - Bookends
Guys in your life: Crystal Castles - Untrust Us
Biggest Fear: One Republic - Goodbye Apathy

Quote du Jour:
"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not." - Eric Hoffer

Pic du Jour:

Chris busting out the polo moves this eve on a pseudo-polo court of our creation.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm so far behind on all this, but I've had a few adventures of my own recently and SUPER sporadic internet for the past while.

    That said: 'Grats on finishing up journalisim! I STILL say don't worry about "What am I going to do with the rest of my life". John Lennon said that: "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans" and I have to agree with him. Love life and make the "career" just something you do to keep allowing you to do the things you want to.

    On the "six careers" thing? pshaw. I've probably had a dozen, and I'm not looking to slow down any time soon. Next up is farming in Norway, and after that I might try out being a wilderness guide working for Outward Bound or something. Or I might change my mind again before the farming thing is done. Either way, I'm gonna just concentrate on enjoying life, and I suggest you do the same (not that I think you'd be doing anything else, it just wouldn't be you).

    All the best, and take care of yourself!


