So, it's two a.m. and I have taken a night off from life to make some September Resolutions. Probably something to do with the idea of the school year or my birthday or the pressure of New Year's always effing things up but here goes. These are the things I'd LIKE to get going but might not necessarily end up happening...
In no apparently order of importance:
- run 3 x a week (I miss running. They don't have to be big runs. Short morning runs are awesome too.)
- chin-ups a.m. and p.m. (Tristan made me a chin-up bar. I might as well use it. :p)
- core 3 x a week (also something that I used to do religiously but now do NEVER. Sheez.)
- ride 3 x week (including track and UBC burn laps and a.m. Emily laps, not including commuting to work)
- earlier bedtime (ha... oops)
- cut back in alcohol (one of the setbacks of working in a bike shop)
- eat proper breakfasts (I've gotten out of eating real breakfasts, which is so DUMB so that's gotta change for sure.)
- read more (gotta get that book from Natalie)
- no more coffee drinks (gotta get out of that Van City mentality)
- stop eating out so much (another Vancouver bad habit though I will sorely miss Budgies)
- cut back (out) candy (I know what you're thinking... haha, Linnaea, good luck with that one... yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence :p)
- be the change you want to see in the world (haha, couldn't resist... cheesy and awesome... and, if I admit it, true)
- try not to take it personally (what is "it" you ask? EVERYTHING, that's what because life is too short to think otherwise)
Quote du jour:
"An undefined problem has an infinite number of solutions." - Robert A. Humphrey
Song of the day:
Devotchka - The Winner Is...