Monday, August 1, 2011

Things That Get Done On An Unexpected Day Off...

B.C. Family Day is today. I started it out well with a nice brunch and then rolled to work where I talked Sean into giving me the day off... should've probably talked to him about it yesterday when he actually asked if I wanted it off but it kind of worked out since I got a real day off since no one really knows I have it off and I'm hermiting at home. Shhhh. :)

So, yeah, not necessarily in any order:

- napping
- writing
- applying for jobs
- lying on the floor
- hanging out with my roommate and having a conversation beyond the tired, "Hey." "Hey." "Going to bed now." "Night."
- snacking
- calling my mother and having a conversation beyond "Hey Mum, just on a break at work... How's life?... Good?... Things are awesome here... Yeah, finally sunny... yeah, I'm eating well and getting enough sleep... okay, gotta go. Love you."
- taking out my contacts to give my eyes a break
- reading
- finding new and awesome music - Bettie Serveert. Lovelovelove
- watering the garden
- picking beans and chard and lettuce and eating it while sitting next to the plants
- getting excited over seeing fruit on the tomato plant that we were worried wasn't going to produce fruit
- daydreaming
- trying to make sense of feeling guilty that I'm not working. This one confuses me. Am I just so used to working that I feel strange when I'm not? That I should be. WTF.
- looking at old pictures
- finding random pictures on the internet since I haven't touched my camera in three weeks


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