Friday, June 12, 2009

A Dustland Fairytale... well, Northern Ontario at least...

I'm flipping out! So pumped! So incredibly excited! 

I got into Journalism! Yay writing! Ha ha. 

So, here's the scoop. In April, on a whim, I applied to the Journalism program at Langara College in Vancouver thinking, hey, why not? I might be able to hit this up... But, considering I left it to the last possible minute (applied on the last day possible), I wasn't expecting much. When I came out here, they had me come into the college to write an entry exam - grammar, spelling, local, national, and international news, and write my own news article. Didn't think much of it... probably not going to get in, blah blah blah... left it. I was content to chill, to work at the Bike Dr., to continue to love life in Van City. 
Get a letter - waitlisted. Not a surprise. Vision of lists eighteen miles long with name after name shuffled through my dreams. Fair enough. The application process opens in October. I waited til April. Yeah. That's right. So, here's the option - chill, work, pay off some debt, love life in Van City. That's the plan. 
Today, get a phone call. A position's opened up. Are you still interested? Yes. (Okay, so maybe the list was one lone name - moi. Who knows? Who cares?) 


That's my head exploding. 

So, I giggled my way through work, got funny looks from co-workers and customers alike, and skipped my way home (as well as one can skip on a Miele... :p). 
Oh, and our reverse Tri! Claude and I on Wednesday biked down to Jericho Beach and dropped our stuff at the Vancouver Hostel... we went for a nice run up towards UBC, circled back and picked up the bikes. God, it's nice to run on dirt again. I miss single track and I think I could find some back there on the UBC trails, or at least that's what I've been told. Some other time though. After grabbing our stuff, we decided that we wanted to bike to Iona Beach but that maybe going straight there would be too quick so we hopped onto 4th ave and circled up to UBC before heading down Marine Dr. It was great. Little bit of traffic so it was hilarious to be constantly passing people in their cars. Makes you want to stick our your tongue and go "Nah, nah! I'm on a bike in the beautiful outdoors and you're stuck in a car. Oh yeah, and I'm passing you." Made it out to Iona Beach and went all the way out. Didn't realize that the spit goes out 4 k! It was crazytown! Ha ha. Halfway down there was a huge eagle perched on a tall dead tree and I am still kicking myself for not bringing my camera for some shots! It would've been amazing. 
In the end, we left at 1:30 and came back to the condo at 6:30 to collapse on the couches and zombie out. Tried to watch Garden State but a bit slow and we almost fell asleep. So, when Becky extended an invitation to go for sushi so we trundled downtown back to Akira sushi for black rice sushi. It was great. 
Thursday was spent doing adult stuff - errands and such... went to Chapters to drop a ridiculous amount of money on books, as always. Saw David Sedaris signing books but didn't want in line clutching my book a la Rex Manning Day. Ha ha. The funny thing was I didn't know what I'd expect from him. He seemed just like an ordinary person, which, I mean, yes, he is. I don't know. I guess I was just expecting more... stupid expectations.  
Went out with the Future Dentists of the World tonight (last night?)... they were trying to shake off the year's worth of lockdown... ha. Some were pretty nuts. Didn't stay long. Kind of a strange bar - called Relish (yes, all I thought of was something you put on a hamburger... yes, it's childish... whatevs) with low ceilings and not a lot of elbow room. But the walk home over Burrard Bridge was nice (shhh, don't tell my mother...).
Anyway, that's pretty much it. Big enough news for now. Tired. Going to bed. 
Tomorrow? Work, no staff meeting, then dinner at Cortney and Don's in Burnaby - they have an amazing house and amazing cooking so you know it's going to be good. 

Oh, quote du post: 
Becky: "You could totally come riding with me..." 
Me: "Ha. As if. My bike is your bike's grandfather. Possibly grandmother." 
Becky: "No way. Your bike isn't that old." 
Me: "Yes it is. In BIKE years!" 

Hardy har. 


  1. I think if I went to that bar, I'd spend the whole time wondering (if not asking) where the mustard was . . . :-P

    Gratz on getting into your program!



  2. are you ever going to blog again???
