Thursday, October 8, 2009

Idiocies of the Less than Coherent...

Yesterday was pretty hilarious. My lack of coherence added to the general tomfoolery. I'm impressed I didn't walk into a wall, really. Went to school, blah blah blah. Normal. Came home, did some cleaning up because Camille was coming over from Whistler and we were heading down to Gastowns, which I hadn't decided whether I was going to race or not.
Went to take the garbage outside, grabbing the keys from beside the front door. As I'm walking outside, I have this thought of, "Ha, wouldn't it be funny if the house keys weren't actually on this chain and I'm now locked out and Becky's already gone out to dinner and I don't have a phone or any way of getting back in..." Chuck the garbage out and look down at my hand and I'm actually holding just two bike lock keys.

Awesome. Just awesome.

As it turns out, Becky took the house keys off my extra set to give to her sister who's visiting. My own fault though really. I definitely think my instincts have been speaking up lately and I just catch on too late or ignore them completely then later think, "A ha! Thaaat's what you were talking about... Sheee-it..."

I almost sat down and cried - that's how great my day was going. After a few minutes of contemplating trying my hand at Parkour to get up on the back deck (Mitchell can do it and he's only, what, a foot taller than me? No sweat. :p), a guy comes down towards the garage and I beg him to let me in. Whew. Thank goodness. Meanwhile, Camille is out front calling my phone to get me to let him in. I tell him my sad story and he kinda just laughs at my sad state with a shake of his head. Yeah, I know... that's going to happen only once, trust me.

Get geared up and head out, returning to the house three times to pick up stuff I've forgotten. Idiot. Thinking we're going to be late, we hammer down to Gastown and find that we're early because everyone's on Vancouver time and don't show up til about 9. That was annoying in kind of a shrugging 'Why do I even bother' kind of way...

I'm humming and hawwing, wondering whether I should race sick, kind of knowing that I can still do it sick and probably still do well sick (that's how dismal the girls' side can be...sigh...), and end up signing up because there aren't enough girls to race a full bracket otherwise.

Strangely enough the bar was full of people I knew, half because most were friends I convinced to come/already were coming, and half because I'm starting to branch out and make new friends in the community (helping out with the race Friday, I take pictures of people and they get tagged on Facebook and therefore want to be my friend [at least on Facebook, haha] so they can see all the pictures). Kinda cool.

End up racing and beating the pants off some girls. :p I have this annoying habit of sitting up at the end of the race if I'm ahead, which I think probably looks awfully egotistical but I can't help it... usually it's because my hair's falling out and I need to fix it. haha.

I kinda do that til I hit the final against Louise, which is again a Roddick/Federer match of stepping onto the court and just having the thoughts of, "Shit. There's no way I'm winning this." Bad thoughts, I know. She's just got so much experience on me and bikes a heck of a lot more. The really unfortunate part this time was that my seatpost wasn't tight enough so it dropped halfway through the race so I was way too low. That sucked. I kinda wish it hadn't because I was doing alright. Ah well, next time. November's the last one so if OSAP comes through, I might have to invest in a wind trainer. :)

Now? Two stories to finish for Tuesday a.m. - One on the H1N1 hysteria at Langara, Second on the Lululemon free events. Meaning I have to go to yoga on Sunday. It's a tough life. :p

Pic du jour:

Aww yeah, cyclocross! I will upload the rest of the pictures, I swear! haha

Quote du Jour:

"Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders, than from the arguments of its opposers."

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