Monday, October 5, 2009

Next Stop, Stress City... Population? You.

So, it's been a bit of a week... Got my first story, became a camera gal for the first time, rode my first scooter (as a passenger...), watched some sweet cyclocross (and wanted to jump in with the SOMA, 20 mm slick tires and all haha.) dreamed of fixed gears... oh, and forgot all my assignments for school and therefore did them all Monday morning in class. Thank god my prof is very chill and recognizes the suck of starting school at 8:30 am...
Okay, first things first. My first story for Langara's paper, The Voice, was about puppies. That's right. Puppies. Well, kinda. It was about Charlie's Food Bank, a shelter-based program run out of Mission Possible, a shelter down on Powell St. that gives out food, kitty litter, toys, etc. It's actually a really cool idea and I've never heard of it before but it's brilliant. Talked to Kim Monteith at the SPCA, who is also a really cool woman, and headed down in the rain to take some pictures. Met a red pit bull/Great Dane mix named Bogatai who weighed more than I do at 154 lbs! He was a sweetie though, as was his owner, Ken Barker, who proceeded to tell me a story of Bogatai going after bears. Pretty cool. Finding a focus for the story was kind of hard... I wanted to talk about all of it and everyone! Taking pictures was cool but kind of hard. You need to ask permission to take people's pictures and I'm not so good at approaching people to get their picture.
Wednesday I had a bit of a night out - went down to Chill Winston's to have a drink with Moses and ended up daydreaming about bartending and/or serving again... I kind of miss it, I think? Working somewhere like the Chill Winston would be great because it would be busy but seems like a pretty good group of people. I've found myself daydreaming a lot lately of other people's lives... maybe I should just become an actress... or a spy. Ha. I think it's more stress related though - wanting to be somewhere else so you don't have to deal with where you are now and have to change and adapt to your present circumstances.
The Miele is now a singlespeed and I'm being pressured to convert it to a fixed gear but I think I love love love coasting a little too much to do so. Although it does have a flip flop hub that would allow for both and it would be something else for me to learn. Good for the brain connections. Haha. Let's be honest, I'll probably end up doing it at some point. Just to say I did. I have been dreaming of back tire skidding whenever I go down a hill or come up to a light...
Went to visit the Nana on the North Shore. She's now in a wheelchair and can't talk so mostly I just show up and read to her. It's a surprisingly short yet interesting trip over to visit her (seabus... yeah! Big ass hill up Lonsdale... no!) so I should really just make more time and do it more often. The North Shore is pretty cool, I'll give it that. Weird thing to happen though - as I was biking up, a camera guy jumped out and totally filmed me. Background for news? I dunno. Odd. Definitely odd.
First story done, second story? Lululemon free events! Yeah! I have to go to a yoga class. Love it. Also have to do a piece on Swine Flu. It's amazing how many freaking signs and spazz outs we have at school for it. There's hand sanitizer in all the classrooms, big signs on the doors... just so strange in an oversensitive way.
Sunday we did filming for the rando bike video the boys and I want to put together. I was definitely an awful camera gal as I don't know what they wanted and had trouble holding the camera steady.
This week went stressful right out of the gate but I think I have a handle on it now. I got most of my work done, got to go to Gastowns (second, again... sigh), doing a radio interview with Moses tomorrow night, getting stuff all done so I can have the weekend off.

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