Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Popsicles, Police and 10 Pounds of Potatoes

So, a few firsts in the last couple of days....

Fiiiirst, I lost a filling in one of my back molars, which is fine and all. Tooth doesn't hurt, everything's fine. The suck part is that it took part of the sidewall of the tooth with it. So I had this lovely jagged edge at the side of my mouth that enjoys slashing the nice fleshy inside of my mouth and I'm afraid to eat solid food til it's all taken care of.
The dentist also thinks that I should get my wisdom teeth out, which would sort of suck because I don't want chipmunk cheeks. ha

I don't have a picture for this one because I don't want a pic of me with a cracked tooth floating around the interwebs. That's just trashy. :p

2. Went dumpster diving for the first time with my friend Corey...

It's not what you think. Behind the IGA there are these garbage bins about my size that are clean and have bags in them and are just heaped with organic stuff. Among the carrot tops and brown-tipped lettuce leaves, we found probably about 10 lbs of potatoes, couple bunches of bananas, apples, peaches, tomatoes, turnips, green onions and then tofu in another one. It was awesome! So, we came home and cooked it all up for a delish dinner.

So strange that they toss all this stuff... None of it was rotten, some had a few soft spots but it was all still good! Why don't they take it to a food bank or something? Or get someone to pick it up? I dunno.

3. I got my first ticket this morning...

I was riding across the Adanac bike route (my first mistake... stay off the bike routes!) and got nabbed right after an intersection because in B.C. they have weird way of doing things. Say, they have lights for the North-South direction,they have stop signs for the East-West. So, you're riding along, you see that the light is red North-South and the walk signal is blinking with the hand (because these things are never that long) so you go because you have the right of way. But, there's a stop sign on the right that you ignore because you have the right of way because the light is red the other way. Make sense? Does to me. Not to the officer that I talked to. So I got a ticket. Luckily, they decided to leave it at that - blowing through a stop sign, and didn't add in more for 'no bell, no reflectors, yada yada' though I don't know for sure that those are real offenses?

Anyway, how nice of them to add in this bonus - if you pay within 30 days, they knock 25 bucks off your ticket... great. Thanks guys. Sigh.

Needless to say, I definitely probably committed five more traffic offenses on the rest of my way home. Ah well.

These 3 things add up to something really awesome happening for me soon. Or else I'm on a giant slide down to the actual bottom of the barrel... that would really suck because I'm going to the velodrome tonight and I don't really want to break my neck or something. But bad stuff always happens in threes so I'm banking on the upswing.

1 comment:

  1. The exact same thing (the ticket not the tooth thing) happened to Ben from WPC, at 10th and Main. IMHO if you stop when walky guy is showing, you will get rear ended hard by commutards who don't expect it.
